Towards Developmental Interpretability →
2. Approximation is expensive, but the lunch is cheap →
Robustness and Distribution Shifts →
Singularities against the Singularity →
1. Empirical risk minimization is fundamentally confused →
0. The shallow reality of 'deep learning theory' →
Neural networks generalize because of this one weird trick →
No, human brains are not more efficient than computers →
Rationalia starter pack →
We need a taxonomy for principles →
Introduction to Atomic Workflows →
12. Be radically honest and transparent →
The Green Mortgage →
Post Rhetoric →
40. Welcome the free lunch - Ask favors →
1. Stop following your heart →
18. Use strategic isolation →
5. So much depends on character - let it speak for itself →
Where is Europe's News →
High intensity interval workâhow to organize the work day →
Death by computer →
UBI is meaning enough →
Reaction to Europe's Lost Startups →
4. Always say enough - ask more than necessary →
Memorizing geography →
3. Align or differentiate your intentions - Build a monopoly →
2. Trust to be trusted →
1. Choose a boss who lets you shine →
Memorizing sequences →
The transience of health science →
Introduction to the 48 Laws of Cooperation →
Day of maintenance →
Fermi questions →
Memorizing units →
Memorizing numbers →
Atomic SRS →
Why write? →
Atomic Zettelkasten →